WEDNESDAY: The Studio Visit - Hilary Doyle (Online)
WEDNESDAY: The Studio Visit - Hilary Doyle (Online)
Course Day: Wednesday + 1 Sunday
Time: 6:45-9:00pm (EST), Length: 2 hrs. 15 mins.
6 Weeks of Classes: May 25, May 29 (Sunday), June 1, June 15, June 22, June 29
NO CLASS on June 8th to prepare for Final Studio Visits
Full Course Info Below
Wednesday (Online Course)
Course Information
Course Day: Wednesday + 1 Sunday
Time: 6:45-9:00pm (EST) - Length: 2 hrs. 15 mins.
6 Weeks of Classes: May 25, May 29 (Sunday), June 1, June 15, June 22, June 29
NO CLASS on June 8th to prepare for Final Studio Visits
The Studio Visit:
In this 6 week zoom course led by Hilary Doyle, artists learn and discuss best practices for giving and receiving studio visits. First, Transmitter Gallery co-directors will talk with artists on how to best connect with others to schedule studio visits, “Do's and Don'ts” of online and in-person studio visits, Q+A and more. For the first 4 weeks artists learn from talks and Q+A with expert speakers on the in’s and out’s of Studio Visits. There will be two Zoom studio visit examples by Larissa Bates and Aubrey Levinthal followed by talks with tips for artists. After each 1 hour expert talk the class will discuss take-aways and practice some of what is suggested together. Erika B. Hess who hosts the “I Like Your Work” podcast will be drawing from her years of experience as a podcast host to specifically give advice for artists on speaking about work in a studio visit.
Artists can participate in 3 Zoom studio visits as a part of the class. (Possibly in person depending on their location). Two studio visits will be conducted outside of class with 2 different artists from the class roster, and each artist also receives one 20 minute Zoom studio visit with Transmitter Gallery, as well as the class.
Zoom studio visits are becoming more commonplace, and are great at expanding the opportunities for artists to meet more artists, curators and gallerists online in addition to in person. Artists will be encouraged to consider preparation such as goals for visits, presentation and selection of work to present, questions to prepare, follow up etiquette and more. The main goal of the class is for artists to continue to get and give studio visits beyond the class in a way that impacts others and their own practice in a positive and meaningful way.
Artists in this course will:
Learn the “Do’s and Do Not’s” of studio visits
Receive invaluable advice about studio visits from guest speakers:
Participate in discussion about studio visits, and practice presenting and talking about one another’s artwork
Participate and receive three Zoom studio visits; two visits with peers in class + one 20 min. Zoom studio visit with Transmitter Gallery
Guest Speakers
Financial Aid
For those in financial need, we have 3 options:
Payment Plan
The payment plan splits your tuition into two payments. Use code: PAYMENTPLAN at checkout to submit your first tuition payment. The week of May 30th, you will receive a payment page for the remainder of your tuition.
Final course payments are due June 6th.
BIPOC Scholarships
BIPOC Scholarships offer a 50% discount off course tuition and are reserved for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color artists. Use code: BIPOC50PP to receive 50% off course tuition and pay in two payments. The first payment is paid at checkout and second payment due June 6th
Financial Aid / Extenuating Circumstances
This option is for those who are in need. We realize financial hardships vary and we want to be sure that anyone - no matter the circumstances - can be a part of our community.
For artists seeking financial aid, we offer a 20% discount on courses.
To apply this discount, use code FA20PP at checkout and split your discounted tuition into two payments.
To complete your financial aid request and application, it is required to email with your specific financial circumstances and your tax return included as an attachment. If your request is not approved, we will reach out to you.
If you require more than the 20% discount, please email explaining your situation and attach your tax return. We will reach out and work with you on a discount that will allow you to take a course with NYC Crit Club.
Join the Waitlist
If course is at capacity, sign up for the waitlist below.