MONDAY: Artists: Demystifying the art world one artist at a time -Chris Bogia (in person)

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MONDAY: Artists: Demystifying the art world one artist at a time -Chris Bogia (in person)


Course Day: Monday + 1 Tuesday

Time: 7:00 - 9:00PM

6 Weeks of Classes: February 21, February 28, March 14, March 21, March 22 (Tuesday), March 28

Full Course Info Below

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Course Information

Course Day: Monday + 1 Tuesday

Time: 7:00 - 9:00PM

Artists: Demystifying the art world one artist at a time.

The course, “Artists”, is a field trip oriented class that will incorporate studio visits to artist’s studios and/or the guest artist leading us on an adventure involving something they do in their extracurricular time that influences their work and lives.

The goal of this course is to radically humanize the artists who students may admire as “having made it” and letting those artists talk about those journeys and show how different they can all be in an intimate non-institutional setting.

The overall goal is to demystify the NY art world one artist at a time. Rather than concentrating on the guest artist’s work, students would be encouraged to ask the questions they might not be comfortable asking in a conventional lecture setup like:

  • What activity do you enjoy most beyond the studio?

  • How did you get your first studio?

  • Your first shows?

  • Did you work day jobs alongside your “emerging years” and what were they?

  • How did you overcome feeling discouraged as a young artist?

  • What are you proudest of from the early years of your career? Least proud?

  • How do you balance work and family or finding a partner?

  • What makes you happiest?

Guest Artists

Robin Francis Williams

Damien Davis

Hein Koh

Jack Pierson

Marilyn M
